Resonans is a nyckelharpa consort of highly skilled and passionate professional musicians.
The core of the consort consists of three nyckelharpa players: Elayne Lussenburg, Tonny Holsbergen and Tim de Wijs, who grew up with other instruments. And all three fell in love with the nyckelharpa when that instrument came on their way.
Through study internationally with greats of this instrument, such as Marco Ambrosini, (Italy/Germany) Torbjörn Näsbom (Sweden), Didier François (Belgium), Magnus Holmström (Sweden), they developed their technical skills and repertoire. Since then, the nyckelharpa seems to be their ultimate destination. Not that they neglect their other instruments: they are also used in Resonans concerts!
Resonans Consort plays in varying formations; as a duo, trio but also as a complete consort with several guest players.
With a repertoire from Rock & Roll to Baroque, from Sweden to the Middle East, Resonans Consort brings a unique music experience at their concerts. Because of the enormous variety, the fascinating and sometimes comical presentation, and because of the surprising sound richness of the nyckelharpas, their performance will bring a totally unique experience.