The Resonans-consort

Resonans is a nyckelharpa consort of highly skilled and passionate professional musicians. The core of the consort consists of three nyckelharpa players: Elayne Lussenburg, Tonny Holsbergen and Tim de Wijs, who grew up with other instruments. And all three fell in love with the nyckelharpa when that instrument came on their way. Through study internationally with greats of this instrument, such as Marco Ambrosini, (Italy/Germany) Torbjörn Näsbom (Sweden), Didier François (Belgium), Magnus Holmström (Sweden), they developed their technical skills and repertoire. Since then, the nyckelharpa seems to be their ultimate destination. Not that they neglect their other instruments: they are also used in Resonans concerts!

Resonans Consort plays in varying formations; as a duo, trio but also as a complete consort with several guest players.

With a repertoire from Rock & Roll to Baroque, from Sweden to the Middle East, Resonans Consort brings a unique music experience at their concerts. Because of the enormous variety, the fascinating and sometimes comical presentation, and because of the surprising sound richness of the nyckelharpas, their performance will bring a totally unique experience.

Elayne Lussenburg

Elayne Lussenburg studied school music and violin at the conservatory in The Hague and Rotterdam. Since 1985 she has performed internationally, including in the New Philharmonic Orchestra and baroque orchestra Florilegium Musicum. She also played folk music and early music with various ensembles, including Gheselscap Goet ende Fyn. Around 2009 she discovered the nyckelharpa. Elayne is also involved with music in other ways. First from 1997, as a cultural broker and manager of art education and artist support. Things changed in 2012; From that time on, in addition to her performances as a musician, she also works as a coach and therapist, using music in her practice and in elder-care. This gives the client easier access to emotions and rememberings. Music always touches, beyond language and thought. With this approach, Elayne has also inspired many other therapists and published articles in professional journals. Her websites are and

Tim de Wijs

Tim de Wijs started playing the violin as a child. Shortly afterwards clarinet and saxophone were added. During his conservatory years he played violin in the National Youth Orchestra. At the same time he developed with the clarinet into a specialist in jazz and folk music. Tim has currently been a violin teacher for decades. He also played in many orchestras, including Metropole, Gelders Orchestra and the famous tango orchestra of Malando. But at the same time he worked in various professional folk music ensembles. All this resulted in many tours, LPs and CDs. The nyckelharpa was added later. Tim is perhaps the most active musician of the ensemble: in addition to violin lessons and playing with the Resonans-Consort, he works in a number of other ensembles. His website is:

Tonny Holsbergen

Tonny Holsbergen started her musical career as a singer. She sang with the International Folkloric Dance Theater (later renamed International Dance Theater) and various ensembles. Later she specialized in the hurdy-gurdy and performed with it, among others, with the North Holland Philharmonic Orchestra. From here the step to the nyckelharpa was not a big one. Tonny also plays the Northumbrian smallpipes, a smaller, bellows-driven bagpipe from Northern England. In addition to her musical work, with various ensembles and tours, Tonny is a visual artist. After studying at various art academies, she has created an enormous oeuvre of two- and three-dimensional work, much of which has found shelter abroad - especially in Oman. There she regularly portrays the sultan and includes cultural highlights in her work. Much of her work as an artist can be found on this site, and as a musician on this site

Guest musicians

Resonans-Consort plays in varying formations and performs with guest musicians.

Jos Koning

Jos Koning is a musicologist and sociologist, but above all a professional violinist for decades, from hard rock to classical, in dozens of bands, with dozens of LPs and CDs. In 1975 - 1976 he lived in East Clare (Ireland), a then unknown music area. He played a lot there with local musicians and has published extensively about this. As a violin teacher, Jos has given workshops and lessons to musicians at all levels. He also published a series of violin workbooks under the name Rock the Fiddle, and a series of playing books under the title Two Violins and a Bass. From 1991 to 2005 he lived in Sweden, where he met the nyckelharpa. Jos Koning has played in the Resonans Quartet since 2020 and has arranged many pieces of music for the nyckelharpa for the Quartet. Jos left the Quartet in 2023, but has participated in the cd recording of Resonans as a guest-player. Jos Koning's website is: